报告题目:A Unified Explanation for the Decline of the Value Premium and the Rise of the Markup
报 告 人:林晓骥
林晓骥教授是金融学领域的知名华人学者,现任明尼苏达大学金融学讲席教授(US Bancorp Professor in Financial Markets and Institutions Professor of Finance)。他的学术贡献主要集中在资产定价理论与实证、劳动经济学、公司金融及金融中介领域。他在顶级学术期刊如《政治经济学杂志》(JPE)、《美国经济评论》(AER)、《管理科学》(MS)和《金融研究评论》(RFS)等发表了多篇具有影响力的论文,涵盖了公司融资、不确定性动态、技术采用对资产定价的影响等前沿主题。林晓骥曾担任美国西部金融协会(WFA)副主席和美国中西部金融协会(MWFA)轮值主席,并是多家国际金融学术会议的学术委员会委员。他的研究多次在AFA、NBER、WFA等顶级学术会议上发表,展现了其在金融经济学领域的重要学术地位和影响力。他拥有美国明尼苏达大学金融学博士学位,并曾任职于伦敦政治经济学院及俄亥俄州立大学。他还获得了多项学术荣誉,包括2021年的卡尔森杰出研究奖,以及西方金融协会(WFA)Trefftzs最佳博士论文奖等。
We provide a unified explanation for two significant trends over recent decades:the decline of the value premium and the rise of the markup. We show that these trends are primarily driven by high-markup firms, while both the value premium and the markup remain stable among firms with low markups. We develop a dynamic monopolistic competitive equilibrium model featuring a stochastic technology frontier and heterogeneity in firms’ technology adoption decisions to explain these findings.We show that both the cross-time increase in the efficiency of the aggregate technology frontier and cross-firm heterogeneities in adoption benefits and demand elasticity are crucial to generate the observed trends in markups and the value premium, as well as the cross-sectional difference in these trends.
撰稿:赵鹏辉 审核:史永东 单位:bet365中国备用网址